Teltonika DualCam solution is perfect for capturing videos or pictures of the events that might occur on the road, e.g. crash. Mounted on the vehicle front window, two cameras are used, front and rear, to record videos before and after the events, take photos periodically or by request and send all data to the server. Besides, the innovative solution ensures the safety of passengers as recordings are made of what is happening inside the vehicle.


You can also get the videos or pictures on all scenarios, such as green driving, idling detection, unplug detection, towing detection, or geofence, by sending a request from server. Connected over RS232, trackers FMC125 with dual camera support High Efficiency Video Coding (H265) for a fast video file
delivery. For an easy implementation with server, we prepared a universal communication protocol.

Every road user must be aware that their behaviour and actions have a huge impact on their own and others safety. Distraction is still the main cause of many road accidents resulting in serious injuries, casualties, and damage to cargo. Moreover, according to Driver Fatigue in European Road Transport Report (2021 year) 24% of bus and coach drivers and 30% of truck drivers indicated that they had fallen asleep while driving at least once in the previous 12 month. We are happy to announce that Teltonika Telematics has developed a new Driver Safety Monitoring (or DSM in sort) solution.

Based on leading-edge technologies, Teltonika DSM has several integrated warning conditions: drowsiness, yawning, distraction, smoking, phone use, and seatbelt use. Moreover, it can recognise and store 999 driver IDs and identifies which driver is on board. DSM notifies a driver immediately with a sound alert if any of these events are detected.

After the camera detects alarming events inside the vehicle cabin, the GPS device tracks them and sends the relevant data to the dedicated server for timely monitoring and further analysis. Fleet owner can get photo evidence for future investigation. This integrated safety warning solution is designed to avoid possible car accidents, injuries, casualties, and financial losses.

The Driver Safety Monitoring solution consists of the DSM camera, which is mounted on the front window (next to the A-pillar) of the vehicle, and the Teltonika professional GPS tracker FMC640 both connected via an RS-232 serial port interface. DSM camera detects alarming events by scanning and calculates head position detection, face direction detection ( ‘yaw’, ‘pitch’, ‘roll’ ) and eye opening/mouth opening/closing. All the event data will be sent to the dedicated server for further monitoring and analysis.

Teltonika DashCam solution is perfect for capturing videos or pictures of the events that might occur on the road, e.g. crash. Mounted on the vehicle’s front window, a DashCam is used to record videos before and after the events in front, take photos periodically or by request and send all data to the server.

You can also get the videos or pictures on all scenarios, such as green driving, idling detection, unplug detection, towing detection, or geofence, by sending a request from server. Connected over RS232, trackers FMC125 with single camera support High Efficiency Video Coding (H265) for a fast video file delivery. For an easy implementation with server, we prepared a universal communication protocol.