Vehicle tracking has proven itself to be a very effective tool for business owners to reduce costs, maximize efficiencies, increase productivity and streamline their operations. It can, however, it becomes a double-edged sword, as employees usually hate the idea of vehicle tracking because they then become accountable for the work efforts, arguing there is a […]
We all feel it at some point in our lives. Perhaps some of us more than others. Pressure, over time, can take its toll, wear us down and run us thin. You know that I am talking about tire pressure…right? I mean, this is a fleet management blog after all. Like so many other things […]
Service vehicles are a huge investment, right? The average price of a new vehicle is not exactly going down over time either. In today’s market, it is easy to spend $30,000 and up on your next fleet addition. And let’s not forget the thousands and thousands of dollars in equipment, tools, and supplies they carry around. Big […]
In our last article post, we talked about information overload and the importance of organizing ourselves when it comes to our fleet management data. We suggested that if you hadn’t already done so, to gather up all of your vehicle info, service records, registrations, maintenance schedules etc. and we would discuss different methods of organizing […]
They are marvelous marketing tools, those gleaming vans and shiny trucks rolling around town. We proudly splash them with our company colors, logos, and taglines. Each and every one of them shouting out to the public who we are and what we do. If our service routes happen to take us to crowded highways or […]
Human beings, as a general rule, behave much differently when being supervised by an authority figure than when they know they are not being watched. This is true from childhood and on through to our adult years. If you do not believe me, try this little experiment next time you have a moment. Tell your […]
There are many reasons why some fleet managers are tempted to keep their new GPS tracking systems a secret at first. In most cases, the manager has some suspicions that he would like verified. The new tracking equipment is a glorified mousetrap, set with fresh cheese. Dreams of watching that little icon that represents your […]